Monday, March 28, 2016

Case Study 3/28/2016 Writing Your Course Summary!

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another online teaching case study! In this weeks case study, we are going to be discussing: Your Udemy Course Summary & Course Goals! 
In this weeks case study I am going to show you some of the best examples I have seen on Udemy and also why they are very effective! I am also going to show you my own course summaries and how you can model your course summary after mine! 
Let's get started! 
Recently I was watching a youtube video by one of the top paid individual instructors here on Udemy, Alun Hill. In his video, Alun breaks down what has been working for his own course summaries on Udemy! Here is what Alun discusses: 
#1) Udemy suggest that we have a minimum, yes minimum, of 300 words for our course summary. Now, I personally believe that sometimes "less is more" meaning is someone really going to read a 5,000 word course summary? Well, the answer is YES they actually probably are if they are really interested in enrolling in the course! This means it is critical to add in as much as we can to our course summary page (without overdoing it folks). Here is an example from my Bestselling Confidence and Self-Esteem Course! As you will notice I have added multiple positive reviews and have been very detailed about what my students are going to receive by enrolling in this course! 
#2) Don't just write anything! Make it actionable 
Now, it is important to drive home the point that you need to make your course summary very actionable and inspiring! Don't just write things and mark things down to get your "word count" up. It's important for your works to have meaning and to help your students make the decision to enroll in your fabulous course! 
#3) Make sure to include Udemy's 30 Day Money Back Guarantee in Your Course Summary! 
Udemy offers each one of its students a 30 day money back guarantee when they enroll in your courses. This is a major advantage that you should make your students very aware of! -- "But Joe, if people know they can get their money back, wont this lead to more refunds?" The answer is "not really!" in fact, every month my refunds have been less than 3% of my total sales! However, knowing that students can get their money back, no questions asked, provides them a safety net and encourages them to take the risk and enroll in your course! 
Here is the link to Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee policy: 
#4) Make sure to include your total student count and reviews! 
This is a great social proof marketing tool and at the very top of each of my personal courses I include total students enrolling in my courses and how many positive reviews I have received! Here is an example of what this looks like in my course summary for my Android course which now has more than 18,000+ Students! 
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks case study! There are many ways to begin teaching online, but this should give you some great ideas that have worked for myself and many other online instructors! Stay tuned next week were I discuss more online teaching strategies.
Thank you for reading our blog post today! If you have any questions please feel free to post your comments below!
Also, you can check out all of my blog posts for FREE by going to:
Joe Parys​

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