Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Case Study 5/2/2016 APRIL SALES ON UDEMY

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another online teaching case study! In this week’s case study, we are going to be discussing APRIL SALES and why Udemy has been slow. In this case study I will be discussing 3 main areas: Opportunity, Creating new courses, and where to start marketing!

Last month (APRIL 2016) Has been my slowest month on Udemy (revenue wise) In the past 6 months! Now, there are many factors that have gone into this slow month, but should this be a cause for concern? Well, it depends on how you look at it.
11) There is more opportunity now on Udemy to earn even MORE money if you have an extremely popular high end course! Why? Because the average for our courses will be reaching a higher price point. All of my courses (on average) sold well below $20.00. So now that my courses are at a higher pricepoint, this means that in time that will become the new baseline! It will take time for Udemy’s student base to adjust to this (as anything new takes time) however, in a month or two more in the future when they do adjust we will be reaping the benefits.
22) Creating new courses is the best thing you can do right now! The more courses you create today will only help you in your revenues and sales in the future! This is my main goal right now and I will continue to grow and create new courses!
33)  Marketing: Youtube Marketing is something I am going to be perusing heavily this month and next! Stay tuned for more updates and strategies in future case studies.
I hope you have enjoyed this week’s case study! There are many ways to begin teaching online, but this should give you some great ideas that have worked for myself and many other online instructors! Stay tuned next week where I discuss more online teaching strategies. 
Thank you for reading our blog post today! If you have any questions please feel free to post your comments below!
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Joe Parys

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